Back to my origional O.P.
Why do people kill each other, and quite a list of reasons has been presented.
1. Personal reasons
2. Political violence
3. Religious Fundamentalists
4. International violence
5.mental illness.
i would appreciate any additions to the above list.
What is the solution?
Well in an ideal world I would say " Love all the people". Or at least we can try to resolve our personal, social, religious and political conflicts peacefully. But of course this will never happen, But when I believed in a God, I believed he was a God of love, and I think It would be nice if the religious fundamentalists could hold that perception, of unconditional love and acceptance. How about international and political violence, maybe all that can be done is to communicate better to resolve our political conflicts better? And as for personal revenge, to consider that when we physically hurt another, we are infact damaging our selfs as people.
The Rebel.